September 8, 2015

Post-Holiday Blues? How to Keep Up That Vacation Buzz

Missing the magic of the summer?

You’re not the only one.

Whether you were soaking up the sun on a cashmere soft, sandy beach, swimming with dolphins in a sparkling azure ocean, or having a blast until the sun came up in a buzzing city, coming back down to reality after the holiday season can always leave you feeling a little down.

After all those amazing times, going back to work, getting the kids ready for school and getting caught up in the mundane hectic activities of normal life can leave you wishing you could turn back time!

So how can you beat the post holiday blues? Read on for some great tips to bring a smile back to your face!

Plan your next little adventure

One of the great things about holidays is the break from the humdrum routine of daily life.

Every new day is an adventure – whether you’re going to a new attraction or trying some exotic food! Have you checked out the mouth watering menu at the newly opened Novikov? A culinary escapade in itself!

Planning for the next discovery only increases the anticipation and excitement. While you might have to wait quite some time for your next big holiday, that doesn’t mean you can’t plan little adventures in your daily life.

Why not discover something new at the upcoming Galleries Night? Immersing yourself in contemporary art, trying out different cuisines, starting a fitness class, or planning a hike in the great outdoors are all great ways of introducing something new to look forward to!

Enjoy those memories

You’ve probably got hundreds and hundreds of special photos on your phone and memory cards, right?

Don’t just look back at them with a hint of nostalgia, wishing you were still on that palm-fringed beach! Why not turn those fantastic memories into a creative reminder you can have around you every day?

Instead of printing out photos to put in frames or tuck away in an album you’ll never look at, try fun new ways to turn photos into everyday art.

Make a giant jigsaw puzzle with a great family shot, have photos printed onto cushions or art canvases, or create your very own book – complete with little stories from each family member, recounting what they loved best.

There are some really great ways to turn those memories into vibrant, active parts of your life!

A little extra TLC

If you’re really feeling a little down after your holiday, then make sure you treat yourself to some extra special care.

It can be a big change to go back to everyday things, and sometimes we need to take it a little easier – so be kind to yourself!

Why not treat yourself to some delicious food that reminds you of your holiday? Get inspired by the uber talented Dalia, of Dalia’s Kitchen.  Those delicious scents and tastes will have you smiling at the thought of those amazing nights in local restaurants – and her Instagram will certainly leave you drooling!

Make sure that you stay active, healthy and get lots of rest too! Why not try one of our soothing facials or aromatherapy massages to help you feel relaxed and revived again, with our special offer to tempt you!

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