June 25, 2015

Making the Most of Your Ramadan!

Ramadan Kareem to all of you lovely people!

We all know just how special this month is. It’s the one month of the year where we all make that little extra bit of effort.

An effort to get together and eat a delicious Iftar as a family or group of friends. An effort to share special treats and get creative in the kitchen, as you try to be a little healthier!

And an effort to be kinder and more generous to everyone around you. So in the spirit of this month, we’re looking at how you can enjoy doing some special things to feel fantastic – inside and out!

Eat up – staying healthy and nutritious when fasting

We all love a bit of an after-sunset feast, but how many of you hate the feeling of being bloated and way too stuffed to move afterwards?

So this Ramadan, why not experiment with some delicious and super-healthy ideas for your meals instead? For suhoor, make sure you add lots of fresh fruit to your plate – not only are they delicious, they’re also super hydrating and packed with important nutrients like fibre, as well as lots of carbohydrates to keep your energy levels high.

At iftar time, try and avoid those heavy, greasy foods – as tempting as they are! Instead, choose grilled or stewed meat or fish for a good protein source, with a light and filling dish like cous cous, and lots of fresh salads.

While trying to drink enough water is hard – eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables will help you stay hydrated for longer.

Spend time with friends and family

It’s so easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of life. Even our closest friends and family can get way-laid when we’re caught up in the hectic pace of work and social activities!

Why not take this month as a chance to recharge some of those special connections, by spending a little extra time together?

Getting together for those special meals every day is the perfect opportunity – to share stories of the day with your family, catch up with old friends, and even make some new ones.

Try hosting a weekly gathering at a different friend’s home each week – and ask all the guests to bring a dish to share!

Give a gift to a stranger

There’s something really special about giving a gift – we see a person’s face light up with surprise and delight, and it really warms our hearts!

And there’s no better time than Ramadan to share a gift with someone. Bring a touch of surprise to someone’s life, through an unexpected gift of generosity.

Maybe you could offer a neighbour an extra helping hand. Donate to a charity that supports a cause you care about especially. Or you could give a beautifully wrapped hamper of goodies to someone you know who spends lots of time and energy caring for others – but doesn’t often stop to care for themselves!

However big or small it is, you’ll get to enjoy the sweet benefits of every gift you share, by boosting your own self-esteem and sense of confidence when you see how you make others smile.

How are you spending this Ramadan? Are you making special plans to celebrate with friends and family? And what dishes will you be serving up? We’d love to know!

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One thought on “Making the Most of Your Ramadan!

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