August 6, 2015

Get Your Feet BeachReady!

We all know about the perfect “bikini body”, right?

But what about the perfect feet to show off on the beach too?

While we’re busy sculpting, tanning and honing the perfect figure to show off on the sand or by the pool, there’s a part of us that’s left crying out for some serious attention!

And after months of slipping into sneakers, flats, pumps and heels, it’s the season where our toes get all the glory. Unfortunately – not everyone remembers to pay attention to the details – Garance Doré’s hilarious post reassured us that we’re not the only ones who go around checking people’s feet out!

So how do you make sure you’re looking truly gorgeous – right down to your toes? Read on!

Treat yourself to a proper pedicure

The first step to perfect feet? Sort out your toes!

Before you start picking nail polish shades to match your super-cute new swim suit, you need to get those nails in order.

Toe nails should always be filed straight across – none of the fancy shapes or curves you might see on your hands, please.

There are two reasons for keeping things on the straight and narrow – it’s healthier for your nails as rounded nails can actually grow into the foot, which can be pretty painful as well as unsightly! And straight lines also help your toes look more even – which is ideal if you’re worried about slightly wonky toes!

Smooth up the cracks

Dry, cracked skin is especially common in summer – not surprising when you’ve spent months keeping your feet under wraps!

Take care of your skin to help restore it to its natural soft state. Hard skin around the heels can be gently buffed away, to get rid of calluses and dry patches. This should be done when your feet are dry and clean so that you can see the roughest parts of your skin.

You should also avoid filing your feet when wet as this can actually end up opening up cracks – painful stuff!

Treat yourself to some luxury

Next up – slather your feet in lots of luxurious love. The skin on your feet is susceptible to aging and the environment just like your hands and face, so it makes sense to use a special moisturiser that’s designed for this part of your body, right?

Don’t use really thick balms that just sit on the surface – they don’t do much to help your skin at all. Instead, use a lighter moisturiser that can be absorbed by the skin.

pedix2 pedix

Add a splash of colour

Finally, time for the finishing touches!

Now that your feet are beautifully taken care of, you can enjoy the fun stuff. Which pedicure will you use?

With the bright sun and vibrant energy of summer, you can really go all out with bold, juicy shades, vivid graphic patterns and sparkly details to make your toes really pop!

Why not check out our latest collection – “Sand on the Beach”? Summing up summer perfectly with a palette of hot pink, aqua, cerulean and emerald green, this collection is inspired by the lush and juicy colours of a tropical escape. The perfect way to inspire your beach adventures!

summer collection



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